IOM Regatta Results


WattleFarmSailing (NMMS) hosted the recent Classic IOM Regatta. This is for Pre 2010 non-tumblehome designs… (so pre-Britpop and V8). 19 classic IOM’s turned up…most in immaculate condition The oldest were the Drumbeats and an SP2 from Tauranga. A freshly-launched Drumbeat2 design from that era was present (unfortunately it was a bit fresh out of the … Read more

2023 North American IOM Continental Championship

NZRYA and the NZL IOM NCA wish to acknowledge Ian Vickers success in the 2023 North American IOM Continental Championship which was held recently in Florida, USA. Final Placings:    1st          Zvonko Jelacic                  Croatia                              2nd         Ian Vickers                        New Zealand                              3rd          Ken Read                          USA

Start2b 3197

Geoff Smale Memorial Regatta 2023

Either the weather gods or Geoff were smiling on the NSRYS when the Geoff Smale Memorial regatta was sailed on Wednesday at the quarry. A slightly shifty but building Sou’wester and eighteen races made for an excellent days racing.  The event began with a summary by Ted of some of Geoff’s achievements, followed bythe presentation to Ian Vickers of sail#61. This personal number was used … Read more

Murray Rountree Regatta IOM Regatta Race Officers Report  – Winstones Lake Otaki 18 & 19 November 2023

“A view from behind the whistle” As a Race Officer, the highest (and sometimes only!) compliment we get is to be invited back by a Club or Class. So when the Graeme from the Kapiti Club rang me after the DF95 Nationals and asked if I could come and run the Murray Rountree event, there was ever only one answer. … Read more