DF 95 News

2024 DF95 Auckland Championship Race Officer Report

Sunday 7th July : DF95 AUCKLAND CHAMPIONSHIP Following on from the DF65 yesterday, the DF95’s showed a strong 21 boat fleet. Again 2 skippers were stood down on a rotating basis to act as observers. Conditions were similar to Saturday, with cold sou-westerlies straight down the lake, accompanied by occasional flurries of icy rain – … Read more


DF65 NORTH ISLAND CHAMPIONSHIP – FINAL RESULTS and RO REPORT Sunday, May 26, 2024 The 2024 DF65 North Island Championship was held at Wattle Farm across a blustery weekend. The wind was straight down the lake…12-18 knot SSW on the Saturday, and 15-25 knots SSW on the Sunday. A+ rigs were the go on Saturday … Read more

DF95 North Island Championships Final Results

The DF95 NI Champs final results are available at : https://kapitradioyachtclub.wixsite.com/kapiti-radio-y-club/race-results There was good sailing on Saturday afternoon, but a very frustrating Sunday at Winstones, Otaki with only one race completed. Toby Lecher 3rd. Nigel Sibun 2nd. Chris Wischnowsky 1st. – Well sailed in difficult conditions Event photos are here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rEDtiOTrfUs50R9suHSLN7Speg7uSCqr?usp=drive_link The link is open to anyone who wants to view.