Existing Designs and Builders

Shinobi and Rock3t

The Shinobi and its successor the Rock3t. Relatively new trimaran designs by Aardvark Racing (Mike Cooke) in the UK. However, the status of Ardvark Racing is currently unknown, but the boats are very well built so a second-hand boat is worth securing.

Mike Dann Sheet Ply Flat Pack

An easy to build sheet ply flat pack design by Mike Dann. Link is: https://modelmultis.wordpress.com/get-one/flat-pack-tri/

Ghost Train

The Ghost Train designed by Andy McCulloch is an early design, aimed to be an out and out racer. This design is still competitive today, but it is not a forgiving boat. There are free plans available for the hull and rig. Link is: https://modelmultis.wordpress.com/get-one/ghost-train-tri/

Nightmare Mk VIII and Firedragon kits

The Nightmare Mk VIII and the Firedragon kits built by rc.sails.com in Thailand are excellent intro boats to the class. Buoyant hulls make them quite forgiving. They offer fibreglass and carbon hulls, recommended that the carbon hulls are ordered as weight is critical in this class. Link is: https://rcsails.com/mini40_class.html

MOD40 – 3D Printed

If you are into 3D printing, then Chris Angelduro (Germany) is making nice looking trimarans – the MOD40. You can find Chris in facebook and his STL files are available https://www.facebook.com/groups/1647999775518228 and https://www.facebook.com/groups/1427341794689690


Dave Creed in the UK is making the Bingo! trimaran. His email address is d.creed495@btinternet.com

Free Plans

You can access some free plans for Mini 40s by going to the link below and looking on the right hand side. https://modelmultis.wordpress.com/

Box, jukeBOX, and Secrets trimarans

There are number of Mini 40s in New Zealand built by Dave Burke in West Australia. These include the BOX one metre trimarans, the jukeBOX trimaran and one or two Secrets trimarans. Not as light as the Mike Cooke boats, they can withstand the loads imposed by foiling and are considered to be more durable. They are also all capable of being dismantled for easy transport.

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