How to Transport My IOM Boat on a Aeroplane By Bruce Edgar

If the competitive IOM sailor wants to take part in National events and particularly International championships then the issues of transporting your boat and equipment needs sorting.

Here in NZ 23kg is a typical max for freight weight on national airlines,at the moment it costs an additional $10.00 over ticket cost ….if bought at same time as ticket…can cost up to $75 if you need to pay for luggage at airport ….7kg.for cabin bag,,no extra charge.

2 options are common solutions that I have seen.

1/ A freight box is constructed from light ply…usually the same size and shape as the sail box[for travel within the United States a max length of 1800mm is a sound idea) but approx 175mm deep,,,deep enough to accomodate the boat hull.Sponge profiles are shaped to secure the hull in position,the rest of the box is divided to provide space for  tools, clothes,transmitter,etc,keel ,rudder,lead,but NO batteries,Nicads/Lipos/or even dry cells…take them out and pack in an approved Lipo bag and pack in the cabin bag.

The most critical parts of the hull box are a secure hull within the box and an overly strong/clever method to secure the 2.5 kg lead..see photo for my current solution…a runaway lead is a bit of a disaster!!

My sailbox/3 rigs/boatbox ,2 trannies,lead,hull.rudder,keel,wet weather cover,lightweight coveralls, come in at 16 kg…so plenty of room/weight left for clothes etc.

I have a calico zip up bag that goes over the sail and boatbox which have been tightly strapped together with lite weight tie downs…definitely considered one only bag by pedantic check in.

After you check in for your take the box to the oversize luggage area and it goes thru the x ray machine and if the wee light goes out its all sweet.You should stay there till the light goes out .Its at this point any batteries will be seen and you will be asked to remove them before the box is loaded.

This machine produces an amazingly clear image of the contents…any lead comes up jet black and concerned operators often ask what it is,

Re the batteries/charger which are in the cabin baggage bag….this will go thru security with you. any sharp pointy things are confiscated along with any toothpaste bigger than 110 gm!! ,,,bloody mad,

In going thru security they generally dont worry about our batteries,…our typical batteries are around 10% of total allowance….see Air NZ form for official formula and specs of allowed batteries.

2/popular in USA is the use of a ‘sports tube’ in NZ people use a length of that black plastic corrugated irrigation tube or similar plastic drainage pipe…has to be big enough to accomodate the hull and packing….usually strapped to an existing sailbox.

In 35 years of on/off  travel with my boats I haven’t had loss or damage…fingers crossed!!


Bruce Edgar