International One Metre (IOM)

Our most popular class sailed in New Zealand and raced in over 30 countries.. The IOM is very lively and fun to sail. The hull cannot exceed 1000 mm in length and the complete boat ready to sail must exceed 4000 gms. Two channel radio equipment is required, one operates the winch the other the rudder. The class was created in 1988 by Jan Dejmo aided by Graham Bantock and the Technical Committee of the IMYRU (predecessor of IRSA). It has continued to grow steadily since its creation..
Canterbury J Class
The Canterbury J is a project that lets existing or newcomers to the sport of radio sailing, get started quickly with a good handling model yacht that is easy to build and cost effective. Additionally it has ease of transport and a good resale potential…
East Coast 12 Metre (EC12)
1.5m in length, the mast stands 1.8m above the deck, the EC12 is a very impressive looking radio controlled yacht. All hulls are now produced from the International One Design mold which is owned by the New Zealand EC12 Owners Association (NZEC12OA).
Mini 40
The Mini 40 is a development class, allowing for any design of boat, mainly Trimarans, Catamarans, tri foilers.
The main criteria are 1220 mm long, 1220 mm wide and 0.9m2 sail area.
The class is sailed in 2 divisions “Foiling” and “Non-foiling” with the objective in getting the older boats out of storage and on to the water.