Welcome to the New Zealand EC-12 Owners Association (NZEC12OA)
The EC-12 class yacht, inspired by a historic America’s Cup design by Charles Morgan, is a symbol of enduring beauty and competitive spirit. The EC-12 features fiberglass hulls made from the one mold, ensuring each yacht has durable construction and is a testament to precision and heritage.
The strict one-design rule, in place since the 1970s, keeps the focus on sailing skill. The EC-12 is celebrated as the most elegant radio-controlled yacht in New Zealand, with a community spread across Kapiti, Nelson, Christchurch, and Ashburton.
Join our vibrant EC-12 community and take part in regular club events and national championships. Whether you’re an experienced sailor or just starting, the EC-12 offers a thrilling and accessible sailing experience. Contact us to learn more and become part of the tradition.
Please note: This is the sole official site for the EC-12 class in New Zealand. Any other historical EC 12 sites in NZ are decades out of date and no longer relevant to the class.
April 2025
October 2025