Alternative ideas

What alternative ideas do IOM owners have for managing multi-fleet racing?  What interest is there in trialling ideas to find a best system, understood by all and attracting the most entries in open events? 

The articles in this quarter’s IOM Talk have built towards IOM owners having a say in the management systems used around the country.

HMS is well established and SHRS is gaining a foothold.  Many skippers around the country have not had enough opportunity to experience both systems run well and hold strong but incomplete views on the merits and demerits of each.  Other skippers are concerned that neither system best serves our needs and want reviews to come up with alternatives.

  1. What ideas do you have for, or do you know of, a system that would meet all the common desires of IOM skippers?
  2. Can New Zealand as an IOM nation lead the way to design an optimal system, yet still succeed in the wider world status quo?
  3. If we had a new system in New Zealand, would this concern you?
  4. Do you believe all events should use the same system?
  5. Do you have reasons for NZ event managers continuing with the current systems?

Editors’ Final Note

As editors promoting the continued development of race management, we fully accept we might be calling a tune no-one wants and the status quo should rule.  No problem, we enjoyed pressing the buttons.